Physics Circle

Are there giant ants in outer space? How is DNA crammed into the cell nucleus? How many Starbucks stores are there in Seattle? Can you extract information from a black hole?

Physics provides a powerful set of tools for understanding the world around us and answering remarkably diverse questions like the ones above. UBC Physics Circle invites motivated high school students (grades 10–12) to join us as we build up this toolkit, and apply it to everything from buying a cup of coffee to the deepest mysteries of the cosmos. Our main goal is to foster curiosity, creativity, and a sense of community.

*Physics Circle sessions for this new school year 2024-2025 will resume in October, 2024. Stay Tuned for more info!

Physics Circle 2024/2025 meetings will begin in October [DATE: TBD] with biweekly sessions consisting of 2-hour sessions on Wednesdays to be determined for both Term 1 (September – December) and Term 2 (January – April) from 5:00–7:00 PM.

We strongly encourage students underrepresented in STEM – girls, Indigenous youth, and those from underprivileged communities – to participate.

Please email if you have any questions.

We ask students to bring $5 participation fee/term to help us fund this program. Thank you! No student will be turned away for lack of funds.

Sean Ghaeli and Dr. Tom Mattison with “Beauty and the Beast”, an award-winning UBC Rocket Club machine, from our Jan, 2024 session!
2024-2025 Physics Circle Volunteers with PHAS post-doc Fellow Dr. Thomas Rennie (back centre). Volunteers from Left to Right: Caleb Lowe, Sam Mcinnis, Airene Ahuja, Debojyoti Biswas, Alexis Hilts, Adrian Gus and Mica Piva.


  • Meetings start with lectures. Typically, a UBC physicist or astronomer will introduce their research, more advanced physics concepts, some applications of physics, or ideally all three (5:00–5:45).
  • After the lecture, students are let loose on an auxiliary discussion topic or problem set (5:45–7:00). This is an informal setting where students can explore, ask questions, and learn actively together. We commonly make explorations beyond the high school syllabus, but the technical scope is limited to suit most backgrounds.
  • Physics Circle volunteers facilitate discussions and provide guidance, as well as hold occasional problem-solving tutorials.

Topics and Resources of Current Cycle

2024 – 2025 

*Problem sets and solutions will be added either before, or on the day of the lectures.

  • 2025.01.15 Discussion, “The Most Successful Model in Particle Physics (and why physicists want another)” with Ryan Quinn, PhD candidate working with the ATLAS Experiment. Problem set 1 and Problem set 1 solutions by Alexis Hilts, Deboyoti Biswas and Neil Jadav
  • 2025.01.29 Discussion, “Single-molecule studies of structural changes in twisted DNA” with Dr. Cindy Shaheen, postdoctoral researcher at the Leslie Lab (housed in the Michael Smith Labs).
  • 2025.02.12 Discussion [TBD] with Dr. Douglas Scott, PHAS faculty.
  • 2025.02.26 Discussion [TBD] with Dr. Michelle Kunimoto, PHAS faculty

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Topics and Problems from Past Cycles


2024.04.10 Discussion, “Searching for Other Earths“, with  Dr. Michelle Kunimoto, Torres Postdoctoral Fellow, MIT; PHAS faculty starting July, 2024. Problem set 1, by Micah Piva and Danielle Egilson.

2024.04.03 Discussion, “Catching the Gravitational Wave“, with Dr. Jess McIver, Canada Research Chair in Gravitational Wave Astrophysics and senior member of UBC LIGO Group

2024.03.27 – *this session with Dr. Jess McIver has been rescheduled for Wednesday, April 3, 2024*

2024.03.13 Discussion, “Imaging: a window into the brain“, with Dr. Vesna Sossi, Director of the UBC Faculty of Medicine PET-MRI Imaging Centre. Problem set 1  | Solutions by Danielle Egilson.

2024.02.28 with UBC Engineering Physics Project Lab, hosted by Miti IsbasescuProblem set 1 by Danielle Egilson.

2024.02.14 Discussion: “Quantum Electronics“, with Dr. Joshua Folk, UBC Physics & Astronomy (Quantum Devices Group). Problem set 1 by Debojyoti (Debo) Biswas.

2024.01.31 Discussion: “Purifying DNA“, with Dr. Andre Marziali, UBC Physics & Astronomy (Biophysics). Problem Set 1 by Debojyoti (Debo) Biswas.

2024.01.17 Discussion: “Modern Rocketry“, with Dr. Tom Mattison (Particle, Nuclear and Applied physics) and the Engineering Design Team, UBC Physics & Astronomy. Slideshow here. Problem set 1 by Danielle Egilson. Problem set 2 by Tom Mattison.

2023.11.29 Discussion: “Simulating Physics“, with Dr. Mark Van Raamsdonk, UBC Quantum Theorist. Activity 1 | Activity 2 | Activity 3

2023.11.22 Discussion: “Hawking radiation“, by Dr. Douglas Scott, UBC Cosmologist. Learn more about the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics for groundbreaking work in black holes. Problem sets | Solutions | Video solutions by Sean Ghaeli.

2023.11.01 Physics Circle Welcome (!) with Quantum computing researcher, Dr. David Wakeham; Discussion: “Entanglement, Wormholes, And All That“. Problem sets | Solutions by Sean Ghaeli.



2022.11.02 Physics Circle program Welcome! Meet new members and Physics Circle volunteers and enjoy a problem-solving session with relativity questions!

2022.11.16 With Physics & Astronomy Professor Dr. Allison Man; Discussion: “An Exercise in Basic Astronomy” (slide and solutions) by Aakash Anantharaman

2023.02.16 “ATLAS experiment at CERN”, by Dr. Alison Lister

2023.03.09 “DNA Biophysics”, by Cindy Shaheen; Discussion: “DNA Biophysics” (slide and solutions) by Cindy Shaheen

2023.03.23 “Connecting Physics Across all Scales – the Renormalization Group”, by Gaurav Tenkila

2023.04.06 “Optics & Lasers”, by Dr. Valery Milner



2021.10.28 Physics Circle program introductions and solving general physics problems. Speaker materials: Solving General Physics Problems

2021.11.18 Speaker materials: “Quantum gravity, or how to make black holes with microscopes” by Dr. David Wakeham; Discussion: Dimensional Analysis (& solutions) by Diego Araujo

2021.12.02 Single-molecule insights for drug discovery and development: the next level of resolution” by Dr. Sabrina Leslie

2022.01.27 “What do condensed matter physicists do” by Dr. Mona Berciu; Discussion: The Physics of Snowmageddon by Rio Weil

2022.02.10 With Physics & Astronomy Professor Dr. Jess McIver; Discussion: A Tale of Two Black Holes by Alice Xiong

2022.03.03 With Physics & Astronomy Professor Dr. Douglas Scott

2022.03.17 With Engineering Physics Project Lab Director Dylan Gunn

2022.03.31 With Physics & Astronomy Professor Dr. Alannah Hallas


2020.10.15 Nobel physics prize special — black holes and general relativity. DrDavid Wakeham. Speaker materials:  The Penrose Singularity Theorem | Problems

2020.10.29 Gases and molecular view of temperature. Dr. Mark Van Raamsdonk

2020.11.12 Pseudo-vectors and rotation in higher dimensions. Dr. Joanna Karczmarek; Discussion: Stern-Gerlach Experiment | Solutions

2020.11.26 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Dr. Alex MacKay; Discussion: Introduction to MRI

2020.12.10 Quantum information. Dr. Robert Raussendorf; Discussion: Qubits and Quantum Gates

2021.01.14 Physics of rocketry. UBC Rocket Design Team. Speaker material:  The Rocket Equation; Discussion: Simulating a Paper Airplane

2021.01.28 Fourier Transforms Ketty Na; Discussion: Symmetry in Electromagnetism | Solutions

2021.02.11 The Remarkable Life of Galaxies Dr. Allison Man; Discussion: HR Diagrams | Solutions

2021.02.25 Medical Physics Dr. Stefan Reinsburg. Speaker materials: What can Physicists Do for Health?; Discussion: Special Relativity I

2021.03.11 Unsolved Problems in Physics Alex May. Speaker materials:  Open Ended Problems | Solutions 

2021.03.25 Colors Pedram Amani. Speaker materials: Presentation slides


What is Hawking radiation? Douglas Scott  |  Hawking radiation and evaporating black holes (solutions included)

Lab tour at Stuart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute. Pinder Dosanjh  |  Energy, entropy and magnets (solutions)

Rainbows (solutions). Pedram Amani  |  Optical principles and phenomena (solutions)

The space weather of ultracool dwarfs. Anna Hughes  |  Detecting exoplanets and binary stars (solutions)

What do condensed matter physicists do? Mona Berciu  |  Collisions and electricity (solutions)

Astronomy. Deborah Good  |  Signals from aliens

Gravitational waves. Jess McIver  Colliding black holes

Quantum computing. SBQMI: Diversifying Talent in Quantum Computing (DTQC)

Particle physics and the Standard Model. Robin Hayes

Dimensional analysis. David Wakeham

Fermi estimates. Pedram Amani

Random walks. David Wakeham

Einstein’s atomic escapades. David Wakeham


Astronomy and astrophysics. Jaymie Matthews  |  Problem set (solutions)

Music and physics. Chris Waltham  |  Problem set (solutions)

Quantum mechanics. Mark Van Raamsdonk Problem set (solutions)

Cosmology. Douglas Scott  |  Problem set (solutions)

Exploring the nano-universe. Gary Tom  |  Problem set (solutions)

Early days with quantum tasks. Alex May  |  Problem set (solutions)

Astronomy and astrophysics. Christa Van Laerhoven  |  Problem set (solutions)

Dimensional analysis. David Wakeham  |  Problem set (solutions)

Dark matter and neural nets. Lucas Bezerra  |  Problem set

Fermi problems. David Wakeham  |  Problem set



Astronomy and astrophysics. Mark Halpern  |  Problem set (solutions)

ATLAS experiment at CERN. Alison Lister  |  Problem set (solutions)

Low and high dimensions. Joanna Karczmarek Problem set (solutions)

Molecular dreidels: Spinning molecules with a laser beam. Valery Milner Problem set (solutions)

Optics lab: Geometrical optics phenomena. Joss Ives

Condensed matter. Ian Affleck Problem set (solutions)

Medical physics. Alex MacKay  |  Problem set


Thank you speakers!

We are grateful to past and present Physics Circle speakers for sharing their time and efforts to bring challenging and exciting science to high school students. Physics Circle relies on faculty, grad students and post-docs for providing mini-lectures and demonstrations that bring physics alive to students.

Our Volunteers

2024-2025: Caleb Lowe and Deboyoti Biswas (program coordinators); Micah Piva, Neil Jadav, Danielle Egilson, Adrian Gus, Airene Ahuja, Zachary Mitchell, Sam Mcinnis and Alexis Hilts.

2023-2024: Sean Ghaeli, Micah Piva, Debojyoti Biswas, Danielle Egilson.

2022 – 2023: Peter Yazdi, Aakash Anantharaman, Nicholas Rees, Alice Xiong

2021 – 2022: Arnab Adhikary (program coordinator 2021–22), Pedram Amani, Morgan Arnold, Jocelyn Baker, Anneke den Breejen, Kara Deane, Amritabha Guha, Candice Ip, Diego Araujo Najera, Cindy Shaheen, Joshua Tindall, Luke Vance, Chris Waddell, David Wakeham, Ashley Warner, Rio Weil (program coordinator 2020–22), Alice Xiong (program coordinator 2020–22)

Past volunteers: Hailey Ahn, Connor Bevington, Philip Bement, Mariposa Casida, Sean Chen, Sean Ghaeli, Peter Gysbers, Andy Hsu, Daniel Korchinski, Pedram Laghaei, Tiffany Matthe, Marianne Moore, Ennio Moreau, Grace Zhang

Spherical cows may happen.