Exams and Competitions

Physics Olympics (High school)

Every year teams from high schools across British Columbia will compete for medals in 6 science events, and the school of the team with the highest overall score will receive a trophy and other awards.


Michael Smith Challenge (Grade 10 or lower)

The Michael Smith Science Challenge is a national competition written by students in Grade 10 Science or lower. It emphasizes logical thinking, and covers material in the science curriculum common to all provinces.


CAP High School Prize Exam (High School)

The Canadian Association of Physicists puts together a high school physics examination targeted for upper year physics students across Canada. It stresses logical and creative thinking, by asking questions going beyond the expectation of the classroom.


Canadian Physics Olympiad (High School)

The Canadian Physics Olympiad organization aims to identify pre-university students who have a talent for physics, and then to prepare the best of them for participation in the International Physics Olympiad.